Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vegetable Ramen (ソラノイロ - Sora no Iro in Kojimachi)

Ramen has a relatively recent history starting around WW II. This was a poor time for Japan and ingredients for Ramen were not in abundance. As a result most shops put out cheap and rather bland offerings of Shoyu, Shio, and later Miso Ramen. As the economy grew, richer soups became popular. The best example would be the way Tonkotsu exploded in popularity in the 90's. Entering the 21st Century it seemed soups were getting thicker and richer, especially with the boom in Tsukemen shops. Well, the Ramen world can only take so much. Especially as all the loyal eaters are getting fatter with higher blood pressure.

Enter Vegetable Ramen. This can include Veggie Potage, Veggie Soba, etc. Regardless of naming, there is a clear trend for healthier Ramen options. Popular shops are stepping up their game and pushing out some delicious options. Some examples include Enji in Koenji and Chabuton in Akihabara.

The other day I had a chance to visit Sora no Iro, the place with the biggest veggie buzz. This shop is in the middle of a quiet business district. Luckily one of my clients is in the area and wanted to meet with me. Woo hoo!

Sora no Iro is definitely pushing the boundaries of Ramen, and this bowl blew me away. 

Paprika is mixed to create an orangy flat noodle. Carrots are pureed and mixed with Sora no Iro's Chuka Soba soup (tori gara, genkotsu, sardines, konbu, dried mackerel, aji blend). They use Guerande (France) salt in the Shio Tare, which is mixed with mussels, scallops, konbu, mackerel, and more. Komiyu (香味油) is roughly translated as flavored oil. At Sora no Iro garlic, scallions, onions, and shallots are fried in lard. This is then mixed with chicken oil and placed on top of the bowl. Other toppings include broccoli, paprika, and ham. There is also a dab of spicy seasoning that you can mix in later to add a kick.

This bowl is a reminder that Ramen is evolving at light speed. Don't sleep on this shop!

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tori Potage Ramen (鶏ポタラーメン THANK - Tori Potage Ramen THANK in Daimon)

Those of you who've been in Japan for awhile know that Japanese people are always into new trends. One Ramen trend that seems to be catching hold is Tori (chicken) Potage Ramen. Chicken is nothing new in Ramen. It is a standard ingredient in orthodox Shoyu or Shio Ramen bowls. Usually the broth is a clear golden color, kind of like Swanson's Chicken Broth

These days there seems to be a number of Ramen shops serving a thicker potage style broth. Potage is a French word referring to a mix of meat and vegetables boiled together to form a thick soup. This usually requires a longer cooking time to break down the bone marrow. The same theory applies to Tonkotsu soup, which is why the soup is cloudy.

There are two shops that have emerged as leaders in "Tori-Pota". Sasarindo in Setagaya and THANK in Daimon. Both shops opened in 2012 and have quickly carved out solid reputations. Today I checked out THANK.

The owner of THANK previously worked at the now closed Ramen Zero. Zero was famous as a "Mukacho" (無化調) shop, which means they use no artificial ingredients. THANK carries on this tradition and only uses top grade chicken cooked with five different vegetables (I tasted carrots and potatoes, but I've been known to be wrong). THANK uses shio tare which contains scallops, dried shiitake, and konbu dashi. You can choose from three different levels of soup thickness.

Standard toppings are nori, fresh menma, steam roasted chicken chasu, and chopped scallions. Half-boiled egg is extra. The noodles are thin like Tonkotsu noodles,  and are produced from 100% Hokkaido flour. You can choose how firm you want them to cook it. Extra noodles are available for 100 yen, or you can add rice (100-150 yen) and create a ramen risotto. THANK also has curry powder on the table, which you can add to your liking.

Overall, pretty tasty. It was a little hard to find, but the best places always are. Definitely a bowl I will recommend with confidence.

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