Saturday, January 12, 2013

Takeoka Ramen (竹岡らーめん 梅乃家 - Umenoya in Onarimon)

Today I want to explore a style called Takeoka Ramen. Takeoka is a fishing port section of Futtsu City in Chiba Prefecture, just south of Kisarazu. This style has roots going back over fifty years, and Umenoya is the shop credited with popularizing this style.

Since I'm a poor salary man living in Tokyo, I don't have time to go deep into the wilds of Chiba. Instead, I stumbled across an Umenoya on one of my client visits. This shop is on a back street between Onarimon and Shimbashi stations.

Looks like Shoyu Ramen, right? So what makes this bowl unique to Takeoka? Your typical Shoyu Ramen is made wtih Shoyu tare mixed with a separately prepared soup. For Takeoka style, the Shoyu tare is mixed with the water the noodles are boiled in. This results in a very light and simple taste (NOT to be mistaken for bland). Ever had a really tasty bowl of Tonkotsu or Miso, only to feel sick and bloated afterwards? You won't have that problem here. I rarely drink all the soup at Ramen shops, but finished this one with ease. The bowl is also topped with chopped onions which sweeten the soup. At Umenoya, they recommend adding sansho and vinegar which is available on the counter.

For those of you sick of all the heavy Ramen out there, Takeoka style Ramen is a refreshing blast from the past. Check out Umenoya if you have the chance!

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