Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why another Ramen blog?

Hello world! Just another Ramen eater trying to make sense of what I’m slurping on. Briefly about myself, I’m a native Californian who’s been living in Japan since 2005. Never cared much for ramen before coming to Japan, but now am hooked. As of 2012 been to over 300 different shops and counting…

There are a select few English language blogs that thoroughly cover the Ramen experience. They are all great and have been reference points in my own explorations of Ramen. So why do we need another blog? In short… we probably don’t.

The mission of this blog is explore the traditional styles of Ramen, and also introduce ever changing trends in the Ramen World. This place is basically a forum for me to compartmentalize and make sense of everything I’ve eaten so far. We all know Sapporo Miso or Hakata Tonkotsu.There is more out there that needs to be exposed in the English language. Hope you guys have fun following my exploration! Thanks for checking this out.

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